Thursday, December 19, 2013

Bible Readership Survey Highlights Responsibility of Christian Authors

The responsibility of meeting this need may fall partly on Christian authors and publishers, who annually release numerous books to help people nourish their spirituality. Their writings, while grounded in Bible teachings, can help shed light on contemporary issues that Scripture does not delve into. The youth may even find reading the works of established ministers like Bishop Leonard Scott to be a valuable supplement to attending religious services and Bible study sessions. Thankfully, they will not have to look far to find Christian songs and books, as digital publishing platforms have enabled all forms of religious texts to be readily available to people all over the world. Electronic editions of the Bible have even made it onto bestseller lists, reiterating that this book, indeed, is still sought-after today.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Museums and Musicians Continue to Honor and Revitalize Worship Music

Come 2015, everyone inspired by gospel and worship music may very well be heading to the Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC). Priceless songs and ephemera from the Golden Age of Gospel will be featured at the museum, thanks to the Smithsonian's collaboration with Baylor University's Black Gospel Music Restoration Project. Under the leadership of Prof. Bob Darden, a former Billboard gospel editor, the project has been acquiring, preserving, and cataloging music in various tape formats produced between the 1940s and 1980s.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Worship Music Helps Communicate the Gospel during a Christian Service

There is no question that music plays an integral part in a church service as it moves the faithful to a deeper appreciation of the moment where they praise the Lord. Worship songs, like those produced by respected Christian musicians like Bishop Leonard Scott, carry out the message of the gospel which members get to internalize as they listen and sing along. The instruments play a vital role since guitars, drums, keyboards, and percussion help create a lively vibe or a calming effect. Whether sung by a soloist, the choir, or the entire congregation, these songs have more emphasis to the audience. It is more likely that the debate on this issue will continue as different church leaders differ when it comes to biblical interpretation. Essentially, instrumental worship has its advantages especially when the pastor calls for the church to come in front of the altar, as the instruments set a solemn atmosphere.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Adapting to Change: Christian Authors and the Challenges of Technology

The advent of new technology has made several things easier and faster. However, with technological advancements comes the challenge of adapting to changes. An article posted on discusses how the world of Christian writing is not spared as Christian authors and publishers have faced opposition to their works that were published on eBooks: …Colorado literary agent Rachelle Gardner warned in a blog that if Christian authors fail to mention their books' faith-based content, they are in danger of receiving nasty reviews. "The star ratings on [sites such as] Amazon and Goodreads do influence how people look at the book," she said. An underground controversy over the practice has raged the past two years, since Christian publishers discovered free eBooks could increase author awareness, said Gardner.